Skaneateles Library Book Sale July 11-14

Submitted by Paula Conan, Library Trustee

Every year, from September to May, folks from near and far donate their used books to the Skaneateles Library. They bring them every which way, in shoeboxes and grocery bags, upscale shopping totes and old liquor boxes. They bring recent bestsellers in like-new condition; they bring in beloved classics that have been in the family for decades. And they bring everything in between! The donations come in so fast sometimes the volunteers who sort the books can hardly keep up.

Yet somehow, every year, order is eventually wrung from the chaos; fiction, biography, hobbies, history, et cetera, are put in their rightful places, and the Summer Book Sale is made ready once again. It’s a slow-motion annual magic trick, pulled off just in time for happy readers, young and old, to discover a new summer page-turner or hunt up an old favorite.

The 2019 Summer Book Sale will be held at the Skaneateles Village Hall apparatus bays on Fennell Street, rain or shine, beginning Thursday, July 11, and running through Sunday afternoon, July 14.

Prices will be generally the same as last year, and all purchases must be paid by cash or check. Sale hours are Thursday, July 11 from 6 to 9 p.m.; Friday, July 12 from 9 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, July 13 from 9 to 6 p.m.; and Sunday, July 14 from 11 to 2 p.m. Sunday will again see the famous “Bag Sale,” in which shoppers purchase a paper tote-bag for $5 and fill it with the books or other merchandise of their choice.

All proceeds of the Summer Book Sale benefit the Skaneateles Library. For more information, visit or call the Library at 315-685-5135.